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Pal is the worlds first smart personal assistant, and you can buy her here.

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Pal PetSpeak

Sure, Fido has mastered “sit,” “stay,” and “high five”, but how about “speak”? Now, you can finally learn what’s going on in that big cute brain of his (or hers!). Sorry, not for use on cats. They don’t have anything nice to say.

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Pal Smart Appliances 

Wake up from your kitchen nightmares and make your culinary dreams come true with our smart appliances. They do all the cooking and cleaning so you can focus on the eating and drinking.

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Prepare to die, foolish humans because the end is near.

Mark bowman has no idea what's coming next. BOW DOWN TO YOUR NEW LEADER!


Pal drive

We know you’ve had those moments mid-commute when you call out into the abyss, “Higher power, take the wheel.” And that higher power is like, “*crickets*” Well, here we are to steer you home safe and sound, so you can focus on other things on your drive, like learning that new TikTok dance or clipping your nails.


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Pal shirts


Pal shirts are free tickets to Pal events, but they will make you look popular everywhere you go too.

From 2015 - 2021

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